Monday, February 2, 2015

Technologies Influence & Fashion

In today’s society the idea of living life without technology seems unthinkable. Technology and the electronics that follow are embedded within our everyday lives, from helping us stay organized, being our reminder for daily activities, captivating our interests when boredom strikes and keeping track of our progress throughout the day. About a decade ago cell phones, digital watches and home computers were the new age gear for tech savvy individuals. With time, technology has transformed and now penetrated into normality for the fashion industry. No longer are we closed off from traditional fashion weeks, when viewers can gain front row access to Digital Fashion Week from YouTube. This has changed the definition of “fashion week” and can no longer describe the continuous feeds of fashion shows all over the country, all year long. This would seem unheard of ten years ago, when getting a ticket to a fashion show was top priority. Since fashion has found recent transparency, it has changed the way we react to trends and how designers are better able to track our interest. Instead of reading critics opinions in newspapers the next morning, today social media captivates every minute from every angle and personality, in real time. Experiences are cultivated for others to take part in, and this phenomenon of communication snow balls until the next big moment. Fashion today is ready in the moment, and information floods anyone who is interested. Technology has changed us into avid searchers of experiences, that we can gain access to without leaving our homes.

Another form of technology that integrates our everyday lives with the fashion industry, utilizes the built in data from our smart phones. With location service software, clothing stores are taking advantage of customer’s positions and in turn provide on the spot discounts while customers shop. Although many argue that this is an invasion of privacy, it is the next progressive step into how brands can intertwine into our daily lives while following this idea of “simplifying” things. This statement is what I believe the growing technological world is built on. First came omni-channel business, next came integration and mobile applications. Technology has made it possible to generate experiences without person to person interaction. Targeting continuous shoppers and brand loyal customers is the avenue for this type of technology. This had led to an additional tier to business strategies from creating a great in store and online customer experience, to creating communication channels to its consumer. Applications on smart phones are also creating another form of lifestyle branding that was born out of this new technological age. Today technology allows you to be surrounded through multiple avenues of information. This influence in our everyday lives will only grow, as stated by Anish Singh, “A decade from now, the processing power of the average computer – or smart phone – will be 32 times stronger than it is today.” The possibilities for our future as well as the business practices of the fashion industry will grow and adapt to technology playing an even larger part in our lives.     

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